Go Farther - Exceeding Diesel Range with Wireless Charging at AVTA
Date & Time
Friday, October 21, 2022, 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
"How can we make our electric buses go as far as diesel buses?" It's a question that every transit operator will ask in their zero-emission journey.
Yet, at the Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) in California – which operates North America’s first fully zero-emission fleet – electric buses meet and exceed the range of diesels every day. Playing a key role are the 12 automated, high-power wireless on-route charging systems deployed over 100 square miles – no plugs, no moving parts, and nothing overhead.
Presentation Highlights
- The role wireless charging played in deploying the largest operating battery-electric bus fleet in the nation
- How wireless charging enables electric buses to run perpetually, easily covering routes that average 290 miles
- How wireless charging can reduce fleet size and total cost of ownership
Location Name
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, Indiana Ballroom A-E
Full Address
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
350 W Maryland St
Indianapolis, IN 46225
United States
350 W Maryland St
Indianapolis, IN 46225
United States
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